Catching Up

Welp, it's been a while since I posted. You’ll have to forgive me, though. I’ve been busy.

If you hadn’t yet heard, my debut novel Stalemate: Clockwerk Thriller Book 1 launched a few weeks ago. As of this writing, it was still hanging around in or near the top 100 listing for it's genre. And at this stage of the game (i.e me being a brand spankin’ new author, given the fact that no one’s ever heard of me, and having only a single published work available out there), I'm pleased with the book’s progress. But of course I'm always trying to up the numbers. :)

As for the book's sequel? I just finished up the first round of edits last week. Those should come back to me for a second round of edits soon, and then it's off to the proofreader, set up the book's cover and interior, and then (finally) publication in September.

And as for my next week (and my  next several weeks), I'll be furiously typing away at the second draft of book 3 of the series. In between all of that, I'll also be attending to the various aspects of marketing my work (building relationships, reaching out to bookstores and bloggers, fielding interviews, market research. . .the list goes on). I started this post saying I've been busy, and I'm glad to say it doesn't look like that's going to change any time soon. But even so, I'll try and post more often. 

So yes-things are moving along. And to be quite honest. . .it’s going great! I’m doing what I love, and am enjoying every minute of both my own writing and learning about the business.

Speaking of writing, I need to get back to it. But I do have one thing to leave you with. In my last news letter (Hey. If you haven't signed up to my newsletter, you really should. You get a free book if you do. It's worth it! Just go over to the sidebar on your right.  Yeah-right there. On the right-hand side of this page. Ok-did you sign up? Great! Sorry to interrupt!) I mentioned that Jay Kristoff was one of my favorite new authors. His Lotus Wars series is action packed (you can check it out here, if you're interested), and he writes with a level of description and a richness of detail that I only wish I could.

Well, check this out.

ME vs Jay_LI.jpg


Yep. That's right. I couldn't believe it either. One of my favorite authors-a dude from Australia whose stuff is in my local library, even-and he ranked below me. Crazy. Right?!

 So is this one of those 'the student had become the teacher' moments?

Well, aside from the fact that Jay was never my actual "teacher" (although I did learn a ton from his writing), it's a little early to declare myself victorious in our (mostly) imaginary face-off. The screenshot above was just one snapshot from one day. A snapshot of a series of rankings that changes, literally, every hour. But still. . .the screen grab is right there, in brilliant Technicolor, for everyone to see. And it's real.

Even if was only for a second. . .I beat him. A tiny victory, I know. But a victory nonetheless. 

So here's to your own small victories. May they grow until they are undeniable. . . until they are gargantuan.

Keep writing Jay. I’m comin’ for ya.